Jason Mark Yates

ADDICTED TO LOVE Album Review: "A Piece of Me" by Jason Mark Yates By Linda Freeman, TIW Music Back in the summer of '91, when I was learning how to write decent lyrics, Bryan Adams' megahit, "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You," sat on top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 7 weeks and at #1 on the UK Singles chart for 16 weeks. I had the song on repeat, trying to figure out what made the lyrics (written by Adams, Michael Kamen and Robert John "Mutt" Lange) so compelling. What hit home the most was Adams' raspy, earnest voice singing passionately about his love: "Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for You know it's true Everything I do - I do it for you." It's many women's fantasy of what their man would do for them. It's many men's fantasy (I think -- you tell ME!) of what they would do for the woman they loved. Romance and passion, distilled into one song. In many of Jason Mark Yates' songs on "A Piece of Me," the album he released in March of this year, he also captures the essence of romance and passion in his lyrics. His romantic themes vary, and include obsession about a lost love (as in "Tomorrow Never Comes" and the brilliant "Curse the Moon") or about love that is powerful but doomed ("Shifting Sands"), but all are themes that often capture women's hearts. If you don't believe me, look at the box office draws of such movies as "The Notebook" or "Ghost." Yates is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Worcester, UK whose writing partner on some of his music is Darcy Jeavons from California. On "A Piece of Me," Jeavons co-wrote "So Into You," does the background vocal on "Shifting Sands," and produced "The Answer Is You." Yates wrote, performed, and produced the other songs. Several have a Latin flair that call to mind Sting and Michael Bublé, and are beautifully arranged. Yates' guitar work is especially good, with songs such as "Shifting Sands" showcasing a chill, yearning solo. My favorite song is "Curse the Moon," a poetic metaphor for love in denial: "You can drink your wine/'Til the sky turns red/You can plan your schemes from your bed/I'll be alright without you/I'll be just fine on my own." Another standout is "So Into You," written by and performed with Jeavons, which has so much sexy electricity that it's perfect for a romantic evening. Jeavons' voice provides a luscious counterpoint to Yates' husky vocals; watch for their upcoming single, "Knock Down My Door"! Buy "A Piece of Me" on iTunes at http://bit.ly/1jfFwhw Visit Jason Mark Yates' website at www.jasonmarkyates.com Reverbnation site: www.reverbnation.com/jasonmarkyates

There are folks who write songs - and then there are songwriters whose lyrics and melodies grab something within you with their poetry and emotion. There are folks who sing songs - and then there are vocalists who move you with the tone and texture of their artistry. There are folks who play guitar - and then their are guitarists who provide just the perfect touch musically to their creations. Each talent alone is commendable - seldom do you get all three in the same package - - enter Jason Mark Yates, who, once you've heard his music - if you're not touched and inspired in someway - then grab a stethoscope and start checking, 'cause something inside of you is missing' ! Take a listen to him, and then go grab his music ! If you're like me, his is the kind of music that I need to have - up close and personal !
Chet Fortune

What wonderful things soundcloud turns up. This is quite beautiful and touching. For me, what makes it especially good is the way you are in touch vocally with the lyrics, those careful intonations are wonderful and the restraint of the voice to suit the delicacy of the sentiment is so well handled. Boy does that sincerety come shining through regarding the sentiment which propels this song, I love everything about it. I think that with heartfelt lyrics like this you cannot take the singer out of the song and I truly believe it has your character woven throughout, sorta like a signature underpinning everything. This is what gives so much strength to it, there is no plastic, nothing contrived or commercial about it,. I believe it conveys what a song should convey, sincerity. It's much like I'm present as you are talking to someone about something very special. Thank you for posting this and may I also say that your profile 'about me' is as poetic in a way as anything else I've read. I've been wondering lately why I bother to create things at all, and here I find my answer in your song, because it is just worth doing for its own sake, a form of self expression that may strike empathy with another human being. Well done Jason. A beautiful melody and it's what I look for in music, raw and meaningful. Best wishes. Soloneili at 4.07
Soundcloud Comment

Since the first notes I was totally taken by this song in this wonderful dimension that characterizes your musical universe. Every detail is perfect, clever, sensitive, highly musical, deep and readable. A professional quality serves the song very well. Such songs deserves the best arrangement and perfect music and vocals. you addressed all the challenges masterfully and put some discrete gems that we notice little by little like that stings/cello for example. Another good surprise is the fuzzed solo with a lot of echoes that add even some more magic, if it was necessary. I loved the video too, pure, simple and adequate with some very nice incrustations that amazed me. I watched it several times this morning. A new masterpiece by the English genius. For me you are equal to the great famous bands/singers that I always loved from Liverpool to London. Bravo Jason.
Yvalain... Songwriter in Toulouse, France
(Comment on "All of Me")

When I heard you for the first time last year I knew that I would forever be a fan. You have been a very special part of why music is prevalent in my life now. And it is easy to see that you are a constant inspiration to so many others. I thank you for your time and friendship you have so graciously shown.Congrats Jason Mark Yates! Cheers! and many Blessings my friend! Darrell Cress.....Fellow Songwriter

Of all the songs you have written and all the many and varied subjects you have covered this has hit me more than any other because you have combined a mesmeric guitar style with lyrics that resonate. You really are a special talent Mr Yates and I don't know how deep that well goes but I hope it's bottomless as each new song is a treasure.
Mal Fry.....Fellow songwriter (The Story of my life)

There's nothing about Jason I don't recommend. From songwriting to performance,Jason is one of the best I've ever heard. His passion for music is obvious in his lyrical content and melodies, performance and production. Given the chance I'd pay to see him in concert far above and beyond 90% of the signed and supposedly premier artists on radio today......Ron Kauffman

Your song “When The Time Is Right” is still the only song I actually have saved on my phone.
I still find it hard to believe nobody has ever used it as a film score, I really do think it’s THAT good.
I reckon if someone famous had released it it would’ve sold in big numbers but I’m not sure anyone else could do it justice vocally.
Maybe Chris Rea.
Superb song though.